
Kaiser cs large

Kaiser Permanente Walnut Creek Medical Center

March 15, 2023

Kaiser Per­ma­nente and the design team at Rat­cliff Archi­tects want­ed to update the lob­by and patient rooms of this med­ical cen­ter to cur­rent Kaiser design stan­dards, which call for PVC free prod­ucts. Pre­vi­ous­ly, this site used a semi-rigid faux wood prod­uct, but these inflex­i­ble pan­els includ­ed PVC. Rat­cliff found what they need­ed in PVC-free RAM­PART Resolve Inyo. RAM­PART Resolve’s ® flex­i­bil­i­ty enabled them to wrap exist­ing walls with­out trim or filler, cre­at­ing the look of sol­id wood. The ease of instal­la­tion and abil­i­ty to cut around exist­ing wall items also made Inyo the per­fect choice for the head­board walls in patient rooms.

Wal­nut Creek, CA | Design: Rat­cliff Archi­tects | Pho­to: Kyle Jeffers