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Lookbook: RAMPART® Wall Protection WG Design Studio

Wall Protection

Durability & Strength

RAMPART® Wall Protection
36 Colorways

Textile Looks

RAMPART® Wall Protection

Wood & Grain

RAMPART® Wall Protection

Case Studies

RAMPART® Wall Protection

RAMPART Wall Protection

RAM­PART impact resis­tant wall solu­tions offer well designed options for medi­um- to high-traf­fic areas at sig­nif­i­cant cost sav­ings com­pared to high-den­si­ty wall pan­els. When test­ed by ASTM meth­ods on stan­dard dry­wall, RAM­PART pro­vides the same high per­for­mance for Sur­face Abra­sion, Sur­face Inden­ta­tion, and Hard Body Impact as the lead­ing rigid sheet goods.

RAM­PART has an easy-to-clean sur­face that is imper­vi­ous to bac­te­ria and fun­gus. Dilut­ed bleach and sev­er­al EPA-reg­is­tered prod­ucts for use against COVID-19 can be used for clean­ing and dis­in­fect­ing. Along with a stain-and abra­sion-resis­tant top­coat and dense woven back­ing, the abuse-resis­tant mate­r­i­al received a Class A fire rat­ing for Sur­face Burn­ing char­ac­ter­is­tics, con­sis­tent with the NFPA 101 Life Safe­ty Code. RAM­PART is low emit­ting, in com­pli­ance with Cal 01350. Pack­aged in 52″ width rolls, the flex­i­ble mate­r­i­al is easy to install and can be rail­road­ed for wain­scot applications.

Lookbook rampart flexible wall protection

RAMPART Design and Construction

RAMPART patterns are inspired by architectural materials and woven textiles. Wood, metal, and masonry looks speak to RAMPART's strength and integration in the performance of heavily trafficked interiors. Textile designs that reference silk, rustic weaves, and linen help soften the look of wall surfaces while protecting them for the long term. In addition to our standard collection, custom digital designs can also be printed using RAMPART as a substrate.