
Kevin Walz 608x415px

Kevin Walz

Inter­na­tion­al­ly rec­og­nized artist and design­er Kevin Walz is known for his inte­ri­ors and sig­na­ture prod­uct lines cre­at­ed for light­ing, car­pets, fab­rics, and fur­ni­ture. The high­ly tex­tur­al Overlay/​Underlay” col­lec­tion he devel­oped in col­lab­o­ra­tion with Wolf-Gor­don explored two-sid­ed­ness, trans­lat­ing his hand drawn and paint­ed process­es into seri­al­ly pro­duced pat­terns for wall­cov­er­ing and high-per­for­mance upholstery.

Learn more about the pat­terns devel­oped for Overlay/​Underlay collection.