
Laurinda spear bio pic

Laurinda Spear

Release Date: Linework, Geo Graphic: 2001, 2008

Lau­rin­da Spear, FAIA, found­ing prin­ci­pal of Arqui­tec­ton­i­ca, has designed many of her firm’s sig­na­ture projects and won over a hun­dred design awards. She also estab­lished Arqui­tec­ton­i­caIn­te­ri­ors and Lau­rin­da Spear Prod­ucts, which has over 150 prod­ucts on the mar­ket under dozens of glob­al brands. Spear’s trop­i­cal and high­ly graph­ic designs for Wolf-Gor­don rev­o­lu­tion­ized com­mer­cial wall­cov­er­ing and remain pop­u­lar among specifiers.