
Morgan bio pic sq

Morgan Bajardi

Release Date: "Tall & Wide" collection and "Infinite Neutral": 2014

Mor­gan Bajar­di is a tex­tile artist, design­er, and engi­neer. She focus­es on tex­tile inno­va­tion and sus­tain­abil­i­ty with­in the medi­um of com­mer­cial jacquard woven fab­rics. She is cross-pol­li­nat­ed work­ing in the print and knit are­nas for the con­tract mar­ket. Bajar­di is a struc­tural­ist at heart using the sci­ence of weaves to visu­al­ly and struc­tural­ly engi­neer fab­ric while also spe­cial­iz­ing in visu­al engi­neer­ing for place­ment prints for the wom­ens-wear market.

Learn more about the Tall & Wide collection.