
Raylene Marasco News

Raylene Marasco

Release Date: "Urban Nature": 2023

Ray­lene Maras­co start­ed her career work­ing for a sculp­tor and even­tu­al­ly found her way to sur­face design. In 1991, she opened Dye­namix Inc, a cus­tom tex­tile stu­dio cre­at­ing some of the most exper­i­men­tal and high-pro­file projects in the fash­ion, fine art, inte­ri­or, and enter­tain­ment indus­tries. Design­ers col­lab­o­rate with Maras­co to con­cep­tu­al­ize and devel­op inno­v­a­tive tex­tiles for their col­lec­tions, projects, and art­work. She approach­es each project with cre­ativ­i­ty, pas­sion, integri­ty, and artis­tic sen­si­bil­i­ty. The results are always unique and expres­sive of each client but with an added aes­thet­ic sen­si­tiv­i­ty, thanks to Marasco’s contribution.