
Studio RENS bio picture

Studio RENS

Release Date: "10 X 10": 2024

Found­ed in 2009 by Renee Men­nen and Ste­fanie van Kei­jesteren, Stu­dio RENS is a research-based design stu­dio locat­ed in Eind­hoven, Nether­lands. Men­nen and van Kei­jesteren con­duct mate­r­i­al research, design prod­ucts, and engage in brand col­lab­o­ra­tions that fore­ground col­or as a key aspect of design. Projects include a col­or data sales analy­sis for Aup­ing, a bed and bed­ding brand; Fade to Stay,” a col­lab­o­ra­tion with Canon and Philips Inno­va­tion Ser­vices; and an in-house chro­mato­graph­i­cal tex­tile study, True Col­ors.” RENS’s reuse and renew­al projects, such as the RE-VIVE col­lec­tion of hand-dyed rugs for Tar­kett Car­pets, also heav­i­ly uti­lize and cel­e­brate color.