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Lookbook: CLAIR Colors that connect


Natural Pigments

Grounded Tones

Mineral Substances

CLAIR® PVC-Free Wallcovering

CLAIR pat­terns span clas­sic to on-trend designs, enabling you to cre­ate inte­ri­ors for today and tomor­row. Com­plex lay­er­ing in six­teen organ­ic, tex­tile-inspired and geo­met­ric designs is made pos­si­ble by our supe­ri­or print­ing and emboss­ing. The CLAIR Type II wall­cov­er­ing col­lec­tion includes more than 220 col­or­ways that rein­force our con­nec­tion with nature, with our cre­ative prac­tices, and with our aspi­ra­tions. Fol­low­ing are group­ings of CLAIR pat­terns that reflect these ideals.

L1090852 CLAIR 6 9x12 L Ax WG

About the Palette

Craftivism pays respect to artisanal traditions and expresses the joy, optimism, and creativity of making.

Natural Pigments, drawn from the earth, express the human-to-nature connection and summon positive energy from our relationship with the environment.

Grounded Tones are restorative, helping to make a space safe, calming, balanced, and expressive of our relationship with ourselves.

Mineral Substances are about sustainability and regeneration and reflect how, along with nature’s benefits, our world can be alchemical and intense.

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