
Lookbook bleach cleanable

Lookbook: Humanizing Healthcare WG Design Studio

Wall Protection Upholstery Paint

Sensory Appeal & Stimulation

Cohesive Bonds

Nature & Wellness

Bleach Cleanable Healing Environments

Our goal in devel­op­ing inte­ri­or prod­ucts for healthy envi­ron­ments is to sup­port design­ers of 21st cen­tu­ry health­care inte­ri­ors — an excit­ing and exact­ing design realm that has wel­comed the voic­es of patients and health­care work­ers. The cur­rent COVID-19 pan­dem­ic has fur­ther ele­vat­ed the impor­tance of prod­ucts that can be thor­ough­ly dis­in­fect­ed. We are pleased to offer an abun­dance of inte­ri­or fin­ish­es — includ­ing RAM­PART wall pro­tec­tion, coat­ed and woven uphol­stery tex­tiles, and Scuff­mas­ter paints — that stim­u­late the sens­es and hold up to clean­ing and dis­in­fect­ing with dilut­ed bleach solu­tions, and our focused work in this area will con­tin­ue in the months to come.

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Sensory Appeal & Stimulation

  • There is an increasing trend toward the use of bright, optimistic color palettes that are easier for the aging eye to perceive, enhance the purpose of a specific space, and can improve the mood and overall wellness of residents.
  • Upbeat color palettes help residents engage all of their senses to navigate their environments.
  • While contrasting colors create visual changes that help distinguish one space from another, non-glare finishes play a role in keeping residents safe and secure.
  • Examples of these trending colors include chartreuse, citron, mustard yellow, mango, magenta, turquoise, and lime.

Cohesive Bonds

  • Awareness of medical staff and their spatial needs is at the forefront of healthcare design.
  • To combat crowded workspaces and growing competition for offices, conference rooms, or countertops at the nurses’ station, healthcare facilities are turning to designers to deliver appealing work areas that can help retain staff, support employee well-being, and improve operations, driving a new conversation between healthcare clients and their design and architecture partners.
  • For inspiration, healthcare administrators are looking to corporate amenities, and integrating facilities to improve employee health and wellness while at work, such as: pods to decompress and make phone calls; spaces for holding effective meetings with large staff; wellness areas that encourage exercise and active living; outdoor gardens or places to connect with colleagues.

Nature & Wellness

  • Biophilic research teaches us of the intense need of living beings—humans, animals, and plants—to dwell in proximity to each other. It follows that there is a strong correlation between nature and wellness.
  • Natural elements that promote well-being in the built environment include trees, diverse vegetation, local biodiversity, water features, parks, natural playscapes, and community gardens.
  • Research has shown that a hospital room that has a window that looks out toward nature increases a patient’s happiness and expedites their healing time.
  • Examples of this color palette include mauve, lavender, periwinkle, cool blushes, dark teal, jade, evergreen, sky blue, light seafoam, light green, sage, taupe, light and dark brown, burnt sienna and warm grays.