
Wonderwood design story

12 New WonderWood® Veneers added to our Natural Wallcovering Collection

November 11, 2019

We’ve just released 12 new Won­der­Wood® prod­ucts that cap­ture the warmth and rich­ness of pop­u­lar tree species’ grains in an envi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly alter­na­tive to tra­di­tion­al wood pan­els. They are con­struct­ed from logs of fast-grow­ing trees and pre­fin­ished with a clear mat­te lac­quer in a light­weight, easy-to-install sheet material.

The wall­cov­er­ings are fab­ri­cat­ed from logs sourced from sus­tain­able tree farms. We start with rotary-peeled slices of these logs, which are dyed, stacked, pressed into large blocks, and then sliced at vary­ing angles into veneers, sim­u­lat­ing the opti­mal col­or and grain of com­mon, as well as exot­ic, species.