
Blocks design story

Blocks: A Contemporary Flagstone Pattern

January 5, 2014

After updat­ing our prod­uct line to include uphol­stery in 2011, Wolf-Gor­don’s in-house cre­ative team saw an oppor­tu­ni­ty to add a play­ful and bright pat­tern to the col­lec­tion. A con­tem­po­rary take on pix­el art and mosaics, WG Design Stu­dio designed and devel­oped Blocks, a high-per­form­ing coat­ed upholstery.

Inspired by flag­stones, Blocks focus­es on the con­trast between the ground and the cal­cu­lat­ed chaos of pieces above it.

Bal­anced by the sim­plic­i­ty of two-tone white and bright col­or com­bi­na­tions, your eyes are hand­ed an ener­getic invi­ta­tion to come to play.

Since it’s intro­duc­tion in 2013, Blocks remains a cus­tomer favorite with its unique pat­tern­ing and pep­py col­or line. As part of our coat­ed uphol­stery col­lec­tion, it demon­strates how play­ful­ness and high-per­for­mance don’t have to be exclusive.