
BKLS 01 2205 HR

Brooklyn Law School

May 7, 2024

Through­out the inte­ri­or of this Brook­lyn Law School instal­la­tion, BKSK Archi­tects chose to cov­er sup­port columns and floor-to-ceil­ing divid­ing pan­els with RAM­PART Grain in the Wal­nut” col­or­way. The pan­els, which inter­sect with a slat­ted wood ceil­ing, pro­vide an anchor to the curved walls and cir­cu­lar forms that sur­round an inte­ri­or stair­case. RAM­PART’s abil­i­ty to wrap squared cor­ners elim­i­nat­ed the need for cor­ner guards, and the Grain pat­tern gives the look of rich wood veneer, with a sur­face that can be cleaned with EPA list­ed disinfectants.

Brook­lyn, NY | BKSK Archi­tects and Inte­ri­ors | Pho­tos: R Koch | RAMPART®