
Bio Vista Resturant Wide

California English at Biovista

April 30, 2023

With Cal­i­for­nia Eng­lish, Bio­vista life sci­ence cam­pus sought to cre­ate a space that was more than a place to grab a bite after work: a restau­rant and bar with indoor and out­door seat­ing that con­nect­ed with their brand iden­ti­ty while also pro­vid­ing employ­ees of ten­ant labs a place to eat, decom­press, and social­ize. While Cal­i­for­nia Eng­lish is a cam­pus ameni­ty, it ulti­mate­ly car­ries its own brand­ing with only sub­tle ties to the larg­er Bio­vista brand. To achieve this rar­i­fied space, the design­ers required uphol­stery fab­rics that were not only beau­ti­ful but durable. The lux­u­ri­ous feel of Vel­veteen woven uphol­stery is well suit­ed to this high­er-end casu­al restau­rant, with a mat­te vel­vet-like tex­ture for a lav­ish look and fade-resis­tant, liq­uid-repelling prop­er­ties for indoor/​outdoor func­tion­al­i­ty. Nor­mandy com­bines the warmth and soft hand-feel of a che­nille weave with the dura­bil­i­ty of a type II uphol­stery. Sta­ble, a bleach-clean­able coat­ed uphol­stery, pro­vides long-last­ing com­fort in a col­or­ful leather look.

San Diego, Cal­i­for­nia | Design: PGAL | Pho­tos: Hay­ley Hill