
230508 Harley Davidson S 002

Harley Davidson Museum Shop

The Harley David­son Muse­um Shop in Mil­wau­kee, WI, uses Wolf-Gor­don wall­cov­er­ings to cre­ate a dynam­ic space that cap­tures the icon­ic motor­cy­cle brand’s spir­it of adven­ture. For­tu­nate­ly, Wolf-Gor­don prod­ucts are more than tough enough to meet the challenge.

The Bal­lari wall­cov­er­ing in col­or­way Zinc” cre­ates a neu­tral back­drop for the store’s Cus­tom Shop and cash­wrap, pro­vid­ing just the right touch of weath­ered tex­ture and a col­or scheme inspired by pho­tos from the brand’s archive. Bonaire in col­or­way Night” fea­tures in the store’s entry; the wallcovering’s dra­mat­ic ridged tex­ture pro­vid­ed the design team a sleek­er and eas­i­er-to-apply alter­na­tive to combed plas­ter. Bonaires eye-catch­ing tex­ture calls visu­al atten­tion to spe­cial focal moments with­in the space, but a brand­ed Harley David­son wall­cov­er­ing from WG Cus­toms Lab takes cen­ter stage. The tone-on-tone look mim­ics the building’s exte­ri­or brand­ing, and the dis­tressed style makes the space feel just as clas­sic and lived-in as Harley David­son itself.

Mil­wau­kee, WI | Design: NEL­SON | Pho­to: Farm Kid Stu­dio