
Lookbook er rectangle

Case Study: RAMPART® for ER Specialists

January 4, 2019

To meet the needs of this new urgent care cen­ter locat­ed in Col­orado Springs, Bob­by Hill Designs chose Shift in the Con­crete Mix” col­or­way, which was used to pro­tect the low­er sec­tion of the walls sur­round­ing the main work­sta­tion where med­ical test­ing equip­ment and crash carts are fre­quent­ly moved from room to room. For the same rea­son, RAM­PART cov­ers walls with­in the patient treat­ment rooms.

Loca­tion: Col­orado Springs, CO.
Design: Bob­by Hill Designs
Pho­tog­ra­ph­er: Caleb Tkach