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October 1, 2023

The design nar­ra­tive for Sam­pa­gui­ta Ice Cream cel­e­brates the owner’s Fil­ipino her­itage and Mia­mi ado­les­cence. The space is an ice cream par­lor by way of a lush trop­i­cal escape — a sweet retreat to a punchy world of vibrant col­or and pat­terns. The max­i­mal­ist vibe of Samoa wall­cov­er­ing fit the bill per­fect­ly. Sam­pa­gui­ta is wrapped in the pat­tern, cre­at­ing a deca­dent, immer­sive space that trans­ports cus­tomers to the trop­ics. The eas­i­ly cleaned vinyl mate­r­i­al also ensures that the space will remain bright and invit­ing with min­i­mal maintenance.

Orlan­do, FL | Design: gdpde­sign­build | Pho­to: Cour­tesy of gdpde­sign­build