
WELC 024

Westside Early Childhood Learning Center

June 30, 2023

West­side Ear­ly Child­hood Learn­ing Cen­ter is a pre‑K school for chil­dren aged three to five. This com­pre­hen­sive facil­i­ty com­pris­es twelve class­rooms, four con­sul­ta­tion rooms, a mul­ti-pur­pose space, a cafe­te­ria and on-site, a full-ser­vice kitchen, an indoor and out­door play­ground, a courtyard/​outdoor class­room, an indoor activ­i­ty space, a library, and an exte­ri­or gar­den! BBCO select­ed high-per­for­mance RAM­PART wall pro­tec­tion in the Grain pat­tern to work with nat­ur­al mate­ri­als through­out the Learn­ing Cen­ter and to ensure the long-last­ing beau­ti­ful con­di­tion of its heav­i­ly traf­ficked and played-in spaces.

Colum­bus, OH | Design: BBCO Architecture/​Interiors | Pho­to: Kate Hor­gan | RAM­PART®