
Montage OPSC 2 TMR 5706

CHOMP Outpatient Surgery Center

July 31, 2024

This project was an impor­tant ren­o­va­tion of the Mon­terey Penin­su­la (CHOMP) Out­pa­tient Surgery Cen­ter. D+B’s design approach took the center’s com­mu­ni­ty into account, includ­ing the facility’s spa­tial needs and the hos­pi­tal’s func­tion­al require­ments. The inte­ri­ors fea­ture calm­ing blue and green tones inspired by the Mon­terey coast­line. RAM­PART was cho­sen for its high-per­for­mance, design, and dura­bil­i­ty and is fea­tured through­out the cen­ter’s oper­at­ing rooms, patient bays and nurs­es’ stations.

Mon­terey, CA | Design: Drey­fuss + Black­ford Archi­tec­ture | Pho­tos: Kyle Jef­fers | RAMPART