
Neocon east 2016

Come Visit Us at NeoCon® East 2016!

November 9, 2016

The mod­ern office has been reimag­ined. Wolf-Gor­don is exhibit­ing Office_​Excavate at this year’s Neo­Con® East, which made its debut at Neo­Con®, Chica­go, in June. The immer­sive instal­la­tion decon­structs the cubi­cle and trans­forms it into an invit­ing, col­lab­o­ra­tive space, show­cas­ing our exten­sive offer­ing of uphol­stery tex­tiles. Come vis­it us at Neo­Con® East at Booth #1319, Novem­ber 9 and 10, and share your pho­tos at #Office­Ex­ca­vate or #Wolf­Gor­don. Make sure to join us for cock­tails on open­ing day, between 4 and 6 pm.