
Beazley West Hartford Edits 05

Corporate Office

August 15, 2024

When craft­ing this Con­necti­cut cor­po­rate office, Verder­ame Cale Archi­tec­ture want­ed to cre­ate a col­or­ful work­place that would fos­ter employ­ee cre­ativ­i­ty, and they knew acoustics would play a large role in cre­at­ing the space. GATH­ER Acousti­cal Wall­cov­er­ing in Ella and Pharaoh was the per­fect solu­tion, offer­ing unique and inter­est­ing pat­terns, a range of col­or options, and a seam­less design for the office’s lounge, con­fer­ence room, and meet­ing rooms.

Cor­po­rate Office | West Hart­ford, CT | Pho­tos: Cour­tesy of Verder­ame Cale Archi­tec­ture Design: Verder­ame Cale Archi­tec­ture | GATH­ER® Pan­els Acoustical