
Origin woods design story 1

Origins Woods

Often used to pro­vide struc­ture, wood’s plant-based nature responds when it is exposed to the ele­ments — wind, rain, snow, sun — and the struc­ture becomes a can­vas of diverse pati­nas and tex­tures. New Mexico’s land­scape is filled with such struc­tures: weath­ered barns, fences, homes, and oth­er build­ings, so reclaim­ing wood and reusing it for pan­el­ing, fur­ni­ture fram­ing, or con­struct­ing an objet d’art is sec­ond nature. Dur­ing a recent prod­uct devel­op­ment vis­it to the Muse­um of New Mex­i­co, Wolf-Gordon’s design­ers dis­cov­ered a range of wood com­po­si­tions employed in a vari­ety of designs and con­struc­tions. This pro­vid­ed the impe­tus for offer­ing four of these wood pat­terns as dig­i­tal wallcoverings.

Ori­gins Woods” imagery brings a warm, rus­tic touch to casu­al and con­tem­po­rary inte­ri­ors, whether behind a head­board or recep­tion desk, in a cus­tomer wait­ing area or lounge, or in a retail envi­ron­ment. The four pat­terns pre­serve the rich­ness and aged char­ac­ter of reclaimed wood, which will fur­nish an envi­ron­ment with an authen­tic, lived-in look.

Catal­pa, Paw­paw, Tama­rack, and Tupe­lo are each offered in three stan­dard col­or options, or WG Cus­toms Lab can cre­ate a cus­tom col­or ver­sion to your spec­i­fi­ca­tions. Based on your project require­ments, we can also eval­u­ate the spec­i­fi­ca­tions of the intend­ed space and scale the images to ensure a suc­cess­ful installation.

The wood images have been dig­i­tal­ly print­ed on Ter­ralon™, an earth-friend­ly wall­cov­er­ing sub­strate made with 31% post-con­sumer recy­cled mate­r­i­al. Func­tion­ing as uni­form­ly as vinyl, this breath­able polyester/​natural fiber mate­r­i­al is free of PVC, chlo­rine, heavy met­als, and phtha­lates, and has very low VOCs, pass­ing Cal 01350 for Indoor Air Quality.