
News neocon gold award

GATHER® Wins Best of NeoCon 2023 Award

June 20, 2023

We are pleased to announce that our new­ly launched GATH­ER® Acousti­cal received the Best of Neo­Con Gold award in the Acoustics & Pri­va­cy cat­e­go­ry. GATH­ER Acousti­cal pan­els are craft­ed from 100% recy­cled PET mate­r­i­al and fea­ture rich col­or and dimen­sion­al pat­terns that are pre­ci­sion cut, engraved, fold­ed, and woven. These pan­els pro­vide excel­lent sound mit­i­ga­tion, mak­ing them ide­al for use in work­places, edu­ca­tion­al insti­tu­tions, health­care facil­i­ties, and hos­pi­tal­i­ty venues. 

Since 1990, the Neo­Con Awards pro­gram has hon­ored out­stand­ing new prod­ucts across a wide range of cat­e­gories, eval­u­at­ed by a diverse jury of lead­ing archi­tects, design­ers, spec­i­fiers, and facil­i­ty man­agers. Edi­tors of Metrop­o­lis, who rec­og­nize inte­ri­or prod­ucts for respon­si­ble inno­va­tion dur­ing Neo­Con, also select­ed GATH­ER Acousti­cal for Leav­ing Less To The Landfills.”

Metropolis Likes 2023

With GATH­ER Acousti­cal Mate­ri­als, design­ers can think more cre­ative­ly when choos­ing fin­ish­es to define an inte­ri­or. The name GATH­ER” was care­ful­ly cho­sen to be warm and human­is­tic, con­sis­tent with our brand and the public’s recon­ven­ing in inte­ri­or spaces. GATHER’s offer­ings include origa­mi-like fold­ed and woven designs, which set it apart from the competition.