
Infinite neutral takes home award

Infinite Neutral Takes Home Awards

September 21, 2017

Fol­low­ing its debut at NeoCon2017, Wolf-Gordon’s newest uphol­stery fab­ric, Infi­nite Neu­tral, was hon­ored with both a #Metrop­o­lis­Likes award and as a win­ner of The Architect’s New­pa­pers Best in Prod­ucts Awards. Based on col­or the­o­ry exper­i­ments, design­er Mor­gan Bajar­di com­posed each of the four neu­tral col­or­ways from 30 dif­fer­ent poly­ester yarn shades. 

Bajar­di used a crisp crêpe weave and com­bined an inno­v­a­tive mix of vari­a­tions on the pri­maries; the results are a com­plex gray and beige that are both brighter and rich­er than any con­ven­tion­al neu­tral mix­ture. The col­or­ways are a bal­ance of warm and cool, cre­at­ing sub­tle stri­a­tions to catch the eye up close while their indi­vid­ual shades pro­duce lay­ers of depth per­cep­ti­ble at any distance.

Dur­ing art school, I wove rain­bow threads togeth­er and I was sur­prised to dis­cov­er a beau­ti­ful gray neu­tral. I’ve want­ed to repli­cate that con­cept in a tex­tile since I start­ed with Wolf-Gor­don three years ago. This is the per­fect ver­sa­tile col­or that will work any­where. – Mor­gan Bajar­di, Tex­tile Designer”