
Join Us For a Talk on Global Design Trends

May 1, 2018

Date: Tues­day, May 8
Time: 6:30 – 8:00pm
Address: 333 Sev­enth Ave, 6th Floor, NYC

In advance of NYCxDe­sign, Wolf-Gor­don is host­ing an overview of trends iden­ti­fied dur­ing this year’s Salone del Mobile, in Milan. Join design experts for an inspir­ing pre­sen­ta­tion at Wolf-Gor­don’s Head­quar­ters on Tues­day, May 8. The dis­cus­sion begins at 6:45pm, with drinks and light bites to follow.

Speak­ers include:

  • Bar­ry Richards, Prin­ci­pal at Rock­well Group
  • Arlene Hirst, Design Journalist
  • Mary­beth Shaw, VP of Mar­ket­ing and Design at Wolf-Gordon