
LIXIL HQ slide 1

LIXIL Headquarters

When design­ing LIX­IL Head­quar­ters, Gensler inte­grat­ed prod­ucts that embod­ied the company’s mot­to: good liv­ing.” Spaces were devel­oped to be flex­i­ble, enhance immer­sive prod­uct dis­plays and encour­age employ­ees to come togeth­er. Wolf-Gordon’s wood veneer wall­cov­er­ing was installed in the entrances and wash sta­tions sur­round­ing a com­plete­ly touch­less restroom. The company’s mod­ern appli­ances paired per­fect­ly with the sleek design of our Amer­i­can White Oak wood veneer wallcovering.

Pis­cat­away, NJ | Design: Gensler | Pho­tos: Cour­tesy of Gensler | Wood Veneer Wallcovering