
Mae collection boy award

Mae Engelgeer Collection Wins Best of Year Award

December 1, 2016

Wolf-Gordon’s Mae Engel­geer Col­lec­tion was hon­ored with Inte­ri­or Design magazine’s Best of Year (BoY) Award, in the Con­tract Tex­tiles cat­e­go­ry. WG Design Stu­dio col­lab­o­rat­ed with the Ams­ter­dam-based tex­tile design­er in devel­op­ing four uphol­stery tex­tile pat­terns, in addi­tion to a sheer drap­ery fab­ric and a dig­i­tal wall­cov­er­ing design. In devel­op­ing the col­lec­tion, Engel­geer was inspired by the con­cep­tu­al works of Dutch Mod­ern artists, inter­pret­ed through a 21st Cen­tu­ry lens. The BoY win­ners will be fea­tured in the Decem­ber issue of Inte­ri­or Design and on inte​ri​orde​sign​.net.