
Stroma Prod Shot L1100131 HR

Nakata and Stroma: Macro and Micro Views

July 21, 2020

Naka­ta and Stro­ma were borne of a Wolf-Gor­don Design Stu­dio focus on design­ing with Nature. Inspired by exhi­bi­tions dur­ing 2019 in Milan and New York, which ana­lyzed themes of Bro­ken Nature” (Milan Tri­en­nale), The Mar­vels of Nature” (Palaz­zo Reale), and Nature: Col­lab­o­ra­tions in Design” (Coop­er Hewitt), the Stu­dio reflect­ed on how these cur­rent themes could impact our prod­uct line. Two new high-per­for­mance fab­rics were then devel­oped cel­e­brat­ing the won­der of Nature, from dra­mat­i­cal­ly dif­fer­ent viewpoints.


Influ­enced by Gaia — the Greek god­dess that rep­re­sents a per­son­i­fi­ca­tion of the Earth — our design stu­dio researched trees and plant life dur­ing the devel­op­ment process. Using wine vine­yards as a start­ing point, line draw­ings were cre­at­ed based on the mean­der­ing pat­terns. The draw­ings evolved from lin­ear trails to an all-over pat­tern. When inter­pret­ing the design into a woven fab­ric, sol­id lines seemed too over­pow­er­ing, so they were replaced with a stitched effect. The result is Naka­ta, a grace­ful organ­ic pat­tern woven in durable polyester.


Where Naka­ta takes a macro view of vine­yards, Stro­ma evolved from a micro view of a pet­ri­fied wood frag­ment. The cel­lu­lar struc­ture of wood seen under a micro­scope has a lace-like effect that we sought to emu­late. By con­struct­ing the tex­tile with twist­ed float yarns in a mesh pat­tern bound to a tight­ly woven ground, Stro­ma has a del­i­cate appear­ance, while main­tain­ing ACT per­for­mance standards.

The palettes of both designs are com­pat­i­ble and man­i­fest con­tem­po­rary sen­si­tiv­i­ty to Nature with earth tones, aquat­ic col­ors, neu­trals, and warm har­vest colors.