
Mahana 1440x976

Luxurious Linen Wallcoverings

May 2, 2022

Intro­duc­ing a new col­lec­tion of 25 linen wall­cov­er­ings that includes clas­sic weaves and con­tem­po­rary designs in a range of nat­ur­al tones. Along with a sus­tain­abil­i­ty sto­ry, these lux­u­ri­ous mate­ri­als have become a pop­u­lar nat­ur­al prod­uct to intro­duce into inte­ri­or spaces.


The basis of this col­lec­tion is linen — a rapid­ly-renew­able fiber extract­ed from flax plants, which grow in an annu­al cycli­cal process. The major­i­ty of the wall­cov­er­ings are pro­duced with 100% linen, with oth­er bio-based mate­ri­als such as cot­ton and vis­cose, and poly­ester used for achiev­ing spe­cial tech­niques. All machin­ery is man­aged using green, wind, or solar ener­gy, and light sys­tems that are LED. Pro­duc­tion is 100% water­based, and all chem­i­cals used com­ply with Euro­pean REACH reg­u­la­tions.


Linen is one of the old­est and strongest fibers, dat­ing back to Neolith­ic times. Today, our linen wall­cov­er­ings are pro­duced with the fol­low­ing attributes:

  • Class A rat­ing for fire retar­dan­cy, as per ASTM E84 (Adhered); 
  • A stain-repel­lent fin­ish that pro­vides water resis­tance, so a spill will bead up on the sur­face; 
  • High per­me­abil­i­ty lev­els—the mate­r­i­al breathes so mois­ture will pass through; 
  • Low emis­sions for good indoor air qual­i­ty, as per GREEN­GUARD Gold cri­te­ria; 
  • High grades for col­or­fast­ness to sunlight.

Check out the ver­sa­tile col­lec­tion of pat­terns we offer in the wall­cov­er­ing sec­tion of our site.