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Pelle: High Performing Silicone Upholstery Textile

August 9, 2018

We’re pleased to intro­duce Pelle, a high-qual­i­ty alter­na­tive to vinyl and polyurethane uphol­stery tex­tiles. Its pro­pri­etary sil­i­cone for­mu­la­tion is engi­neered to far exceed all of the ACT per­for­mance spec­i­fi­ca­tions for coat­ed fab­rics, with­out the addi­tion of flame retar­dants, antibac­te­r­i­al or antimi­cro­bial chem­i­cals, or sur­face fin­ish­es. And, Pelle offers a soft and sup­ple feel and leather-like grain typ­i­cal­ly asso­ci­at­ed with lux­u­ry uphol­stery materials.

Crit­i­cal to its per­for­mance is the sil­i­cone resin sys­tem that allows for stronger sur­face integri­ty, enhanc­ing Pelle’s resis­tance to scuff­ing, scratch­ing, and abra­sive clean­ers. In addi­tion to being easy to main­tain using com­mon clean­ing agents, this sil­i­cone tex­tile is also resis­tant to dilut­ed bleach and alco­hol. Unlike low­er grade sil­i­cone prod­ucts that can feel rub­bery and sticky, Pelle offers a nat­ur­al sur­face touch for max­i­mum comfort.

Oth­er inher­ent attrib­ut­es to note are its:

  • resis­tance to stains, includ­ing oils, ink, and den­im dye;
  • flame-retar­dant properties;
  • resis­tance to microbes or bac­te­r­i­al growth;
  • excep­tion­al lightfastness;
  • excel­lent stretch and recovery;
  • hypo-aller­genic prop­er­ties; and
  • resis­tance to mildew and moisture.

From a sus­tain­abil­i­ty stand­point, Pelle com­plies with California’s Prop 65, Cal 01350 for low emis­sions, the Liv­ing Build­ing Chal­lenge Red List, the Health­i­er Hos­pi­tal Ini­tia­tive, and has a Health Prod­uct Dec­la­ra­tion. The gen­er­ous palette cov­ers all parts of the spec­trum, with pas­tel hues, vivid pri­maries, rich, dark shades, warm and cool gray tones, as well as white and black.