
News rampart trim

RAMPART® Trim and Corner Guards

December 1, 2020

While RAM­PART Wall Pro­tec­tion prod­ucts do not require any addi­tion­al trim or hard­ware, there are cas­es where you might choose to rein­force cor­ners with cor­ner guards or uti­lize top/​endcaps to fin­ish off the top of a rail­road­ed instal­la­tion. For these instances, we are can pro­vide trim pieces with­d­if­fer­ent pro­files in 70 colors.


Rigid cor­ner guards pro­vide pro­tec­tion for out­side cor­ners with 90o angles. The .08″ thick extrud­ed vinyl trim is col­ored through­out in your choice of 70 col­ors. Dou­ble-sided adhe­sive tape is fac­to­ry applied to the full length of the inner sur­face of each wing.

  • 34″ wing size: CGT-34 – 4 (4′ length);CGT-34 – 8 (8′ length)
  • 11÷2″ wing size: CGT-12 – 4 (4′ length);CGT-12 – 8 (8′ length)


Vinyl end caps pro­vide a fin­ish­ing touch when installing wall pro­tec­tion mate­ri­als that are .030″ – .060“thick. The extrud­ed vinyl is avail­able in 70 col­ors that coor­di­nate with our cor­ner guards.


Vinyl joint cov­ers pro­vide a com­ple­men­tary tran­si­tion mold­ing when installing wall­cov­er­ing along with wall pro­tec­tion mate­ri­als. The extrud­ed vinyl is avail­able in 70 col­ors that coor­di­nate with our cor­ner guards.

To order RAM­PART Trim, please call our cus­tomer ser­vice at 800 347 0550. Col­or chips are avail­able upon request.

RAMPART Trim & Cornerguards