
Repeat Offenders Met Likes5

"Repeat Offenders" wins #MetropolisLikes NYCxDESIGN Award

October 30, 2020

This col­lec­tion by Ghis­laine Viñas fea­tures bold pat­terns that riff on the past by pre­sent­ing a tongue-in-cheek twist on col­ors, scales, and forms found in retro designs from Wolf-Gordon’s own mid-cen­tu­ry archives. The metal­lic hints are cre­at­ed by the use of Mylar, lend­ing the col­lec­tion to luxe inte­ri­ors where a range of vin­tage-inspired col­ors and sophis­ti­cat­ed neu­trals stand out.

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