
Aliki boy award

VEER Collection Wins Interior Design Best of Year Award

December 6, 2019

The VEER by Ali­ki van der Krui­js col­lec­tion won the Inte­ri­or Design Best of Year (BoY) Award in the Con­tract Fab­ric: Design­er Col­lab­o­ra­tion” category.

The Best of Year award is a glob­al design awards pro­gram that hon­ors the most sig­nif­i­cant inte­ri­or prod­ucts and projects of the year. Win­ners were announced in a cer­e­mo­ny held Decem­ber 6 at the Riv­er Pavil­lion in New York City. 

This hon­or rep­re­sents the sixth major indus­try award for this uphol­stery tex­tile col­lec­tion, which includes: NYCxDe­sign, Inte­ri­or Design’s HiP Award, Con­tract mag­a­zine’s Best of Neo­COn Edi­tors’ Choice Award, Metrop­o­lis­like and The Archi­tec­t’s News­pa­per Best of Prod­ucts Award.