
Wink esquisite corpse icff

Wink Introduced at ICFF

May 28, 2013

At ICFF, we intro­duced our new prod­uct, Wink, that can trans­form any sur­face into a write-and-erase canvas.

To pro­mote Wink, we invoked the Sur­re­al­ist game of Exquis­ite Corpse. The booth fea­tured con­nect­ed draw­ings, based on the theme of land­scape, by sev­en teams: Michael Graves, Ali Tayar, Snarki­tec­ture, Myles Karr, Ben Katchor, kar­los­son­wilk­er, and Boym Partners.

The unfin­ished draw­ings, on ver­ti­cal pan­els of paint­ed dry­wall, wall­cov­er­ing, alu­minum, and wood, were coat­ed in Wink, which allowed vis­i­tors to draw over of com­plete the unfin­ished works.

A con­densed ver­sion of the booth — the Exquis­ite Wink board game — was also cre­at­ed to extend the art­ful­ness and poten­tial of Wink with design spec­i­fiers across the country.