
Wolf gordon commissioned artist charlotte mann

Erasing is Leaving a Mark: Art Installation using Wink

March 7, 2016

British artist Char­lotte Mann was com­mis­sioned to draw on a gallery wall in Gowanus, Brook­lyn. The wall was coat­ed in Wink and Mann trans­formed the space into a scene of an indus­tri­al Brook­lyn neigh­bor­hood — a a dense lay­er­ing of pat­terns found in nature and the built envi­ron­ment — ply­wood, chain-link fence, wil­low leaves, and a quilt on a clothesline.

The mur­al took near­ly five days to com­plete and 100 black dry-erase mark­ers and erasers. 

Eras­ing is def­i­nite­ly just as impor­tant as mak­ing a mark, it is leav­ing a mark. That act of removal is utter­ly active. It is not a back­wards step, but rather a change. To dis­tin­guish between cre­at­ing and eras­ing in a hier­ar­chi­cal way cur­tails the pos­si­bil­i­ties for inven­tion and dis­cov­ery.” — Char­lotte Mann