
News mae levels

Wolf-Gordon + Mae Engelgeer

April 8, 2016

We’re excit­ed to announce a new col­lab­o­ra­tion with design­er Mae Engel­geer con­sist­ing of a col­lec­tion char­ac­ter­ized by repet­i­tive geome­tries of vary­ing scales. Engelgeer’s graph­ic ele­ments and diverse explo­rations of tex­ture evoke the crafts­man­ship and authen­tic­i­ty of Dutch Mod­ernism. Engel­geer draws heav­i­ly on her knowl­edge of tra­di­tion­al weav­ing tech­niques, inter­pret­ing them through her 21st Cen­tu­ry lens.

The result­ing col­lec­tion is a series of pat­terns that cel­e­brate dynam­ic equi­lib­ri­um — asym­met­ri­cal, but bal­anced — clean lines, abstract geo­met­ric forms, rich tex­tures, and sim­ple sophis­ti­cat­ed detail­ing. The palette for LEV­EL includes a broad range of ele­gant neu­trals and mut­ed hues, many incor­po­rat­ing accents of metal­lic threads.

The col­lec­tion will be pre­viewed at the Salone Inter­nazionale del Mobile (April 12 – 17, 2016) in Milan. 

The pat­terns:

Align: 100% Tre­vi­ra CS uphol­stery tex­tile that is the ground­ing basis of the col­lec­tion. It con­veys a visu­al con­ver­sa­tion between sim­ple geo­met­ric shapes, lines, and textures.

Mesh: a coor­di­nate to Align, this 100% Tre­vi­ra CS uphol­stery tex­tile is designed to look like
 archi­tec­tur­al mesh. The col­or­ways uti­lize metal­lic threads to empha­size tex­tur­al con­trast.

Melody: 33% Recy­cled Nylon, 29.43% Cot­ton, 37.57% Ray­on ribbed uphol­stery tex­tile with a gen­er­ous col­or line. The sophis­ti­cat­ed neu­trals and mut­ed earth tone col­ors cre­ate an easy-tou­se pat­tern.

Rit­u­al: 36.49% Rec. Nylon, 30.69% Cot­ton, 32.82% Ray­on uphol­stery tex­tile that is com­posed of the collection’s base pat­tern: a matrix of dots and dashes.

Com­pose: woven of 100% Tre­vi­ra CS, this drap­ery tex­tile fea­tures a play of opac­i­ty and translu­cen­cy with neu­tral col­or­ways and metal­lic threads.

Form: a dig­i­tal print wall­cov­er­ing designed specif­i­cal­ly for the Salone exhib­it, this pat­tern illu­mi­nates the graph­ic ele­ments of the oth­er pat­terns in the collection.

Bal­ance: a dig­i­tal print wall­cov­er­ing that fea­tures soft opaque rec­ti­lin­ear lines print­ed on metal­lic Mylar.

Tone: a dig­i­tal print on poly­ester felt. Vary­ing lines in a struc­tured pat­tern­ing that sug­gests a sub­tle con­ver­sa­tion about move­ment and rest.