
Rampart press release

RAMPART Additions Reflect Heavy Duty Beauty

November 1, 2017

| New York, NY — Novem­ber 1, 2017 | Wolf-Gor­don has intro­duced two RAM­PART addi­tions as part of their Heavy Duty Beau­ty Cam­paign, empha­siz­ing high per­for­mance prod­ucts for com­mer­cial inte­ri­ors. The impact resis­tant wall solu­tions use organ­ic mate­ri­als in nov­el ways, from cap­tur­ing the beau­ty of nat­ur­al wood grain to evok­ing a rich con­crete appear­ance. The extreme­ly durable pat­terns offer a visu­al­ly appeal­ing and flex­i­ble alter­na­tive to tra­di­tion­al rigid wall pan­els, ele­vat­ing any space with their sub­tle tonal beauty.

The RAM­PART addi­tions are part of Wolf-Gordon’s ini­tia­tive to cre­ate beau­ti­ful, high per­for­mance prod­ucts that can stand up to the demands of heavy traf­fic while main­tain­ing aes­thet­ic appeal. The designs are organ­ic yet refined, a true embod­i­ment of heavy duty beau­ty.
– Michael Lough­lin, Wolf-Gor­don Cus­toms & Dig­i­tal Director

Dou­glas, a relaxed and ele­gant wood-look, often seen in more tra­di­tion­al schemes, can be inte­grat­ed into con­tem­po­rary, urban indus­tri­al, or Scan­di­na­vian-influ­enced design. Foun­da­tion has a con­crete appear­ance that is far from cre­at­ing a cold, hard atmos­phere; the design can actu­al­ly help bring a warmer feel to an inte­ri­or space.

RAM­PART exceeds the max­i­mum capac­i­ty of a Scrape Adhe­sion Test, and per­forms as well as the most pop­u­lar rigid sheet goods on the ASTM Sur­face Abra­sion, ASTM Sur­face Inden­ta­tion, and ASTM Hard Body Impact tests. The high-impact wall solu­tion has a spe­cial fin­ish and back­ing, and does not require hard­ware to install. In addi­tion, it can run over 80 lin­ear feet under a chair rail with­out a seam, mak­ing it clean­er, eas­i­er and less expen­sive to install.