
Press cork

Wolf-Gordon Adds More Cork to Its Natural Materials Offering

November 19, 2018

New York, NY – Wolf-Gor­don expands their offer­ing of nat­ur­al mate­ri­als with eight new Cork items for wall­cov­er­ings and uphol­stery. The col­lec­tion uti­lizes all parts of the cork bark, includ­ing resid­ual ele­ments, to form intri­cate designs that have a tru­ly sus­tain­able com­po­si­tion, while meet­ing the per­for­mance demands of the con­tract market.

Cork, pri­mar­i­ly sourced in its raw state from Por­tu­gal, is an envi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly option; once the bark of a live cork oak tree is stripped, it will regen­er­ate every 910 years, allow­ing new bark to grow while main­tain­ing the grove’s eco­log­i­cal process­es. In addi­tion, the wall­cov­er­ings fea­ture a Class A fire rat­ing, mildew and rot resis­tance, and act as a nat­ur­al insu­la­tor with acousti­cal prop­er­ties. The uphol­stery offer­ings meet all ACT per­for­mance stan­dards, rate 100,000 Wyzen­beek dou­ble-rubs, are imper­vi­ous to dirt and liq­uids, and are even hypoallergenic.

These beau­ti­ful addi­tions to our nat­ur­al wall­cov­er­ing and uphol­stery will offer our design spec­i­fiers enhanced col­or and pat­tern­ing options when spec­i­fy­ing cork. We love the exquis­ite and unique com­po­si­tions that Nature offers in these prod­ucts.” Mary­beth Shaw, Chief Cre­ative Officer.

The wall­cov­er­ing pat­terns include:

  • a mélange of cork shav­ings and pieces rem­i­nis­cent of ter­raz­zo floor­ing in a washed greige tone;
  • a patch­work of cork bands with dif­fer­ent brown hues;
  • an organ­ic ver­ti­cal stripe made of cork seg­ments dyed in alter­nat­ing sil­ver gray and light brown shades; and,
  • a dense mid­night blue col­or­way formed from pig­ment­ed cork frag­ments set against a glossy black ground.

With a lux­u­ri­ous hand com­pa­ra­ble to soft leather, the durable new Wolf-Gor­don cork uphol­stery line includes:

  • a nar­row stripe pat­tern with cork’s nat­ur­al coloring;
  • rec­tan­gles made of float­ing organ­ic shapes in a rich choco­late shade;
  • a soft beige tone for­ma­tion with hints of white and gray peek­ing through the nooks and cran­nies; and, a dynam­ic cre­ation of small cork pieces scat­tered on metal­lic silver.
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