
Wolf Gordon and Me

Wolf-Gordon and Me and General Design Collaborate on SO GOOD Patterns

New York, NY – Wolf-Gor­don is delight­ed to intro­duce the edgy and fun SO GOOD col­lec­tion of dig­i­tal wall­cov­er­ings with Me and Gen­er­al Design, an inte­ri­or design firm with a pas­sion for mix­ing ele­ments, break­ing rules, and defy­ing trends. 

This col­lab­o­ra­tion brings a fresh per­spec­tive to our Curat­ed Col­lec­tion. The SO GOOD col­lec­tion speaks to our love of intri­cate geome­tries as well as our appre­ci­a­tion for Me and General’s fresh aes­thet­ic.
- Mary­beth Shaw, Wolf-Gor­don, Chief Cre­ative Offi­cer, Mar­ket­ing & Design

Me and Gen­er­al Design is led by Cristi­na Casañas-Judd, who draws on her bold fash­ion sense and native Chilean roots, and Gen­er­al Judd, who brings an infec­tious South­ern charm and time­less style sen­si­bil­i­ty. Their back­ground design­ing film sets and on per­for­mance stages, in addi­tion to their cur­rent inte­ri­or design port­fo­lio which is cohe­sive and inspi­ra­tional, prompt­ed them to design a wall­pa­per col­lec­tion informed by the his­to­ry of design, archi­tec­ture, music and art.sign adds an uncon­ven­tion­al twist to the company’s Curat­ed Col­lec­tion with four impact­ful patterns.

We are thrilled with our SO GOOD wall­pa­per col­lab­o­ra­tion with Wolf-Gor­don. We have long admired them as a com­pa­ny and believe that togeth­er we will cre­ate a bold impact on wall­pa­per design.
- Cristi­na Casanas-Judd, Me and Gen­er­al, Co-Own­er & Prin­ci­pal Designer


Echo has elon­gat­ed dia­mond shapes formed from par­al­lel lines that appear to shift back and forth, giv­ing walls a kinet­ic ener­gy. It is offered in col­or­ways of sil­ver Mylar™ on soft gray, bril­liant gold on black onyx, and slick cop­per on pinkish-gray.

Nou­veau repeats a sim­ple dia­mond shape in a mir­rored sequence for an ever­chang­ing, dig­i­tal­ly-print­ed wall­cov­er­ing design. The stan­dard mat­te off white, sand, and dark gray grounds are an ele­gant base for the dec­o­ra­tive linework in bril­liant gold, sil­ver, and cop­per Mylar™, respectively.

Perch is a live­ly geo­met­ric inspired by the Perch/​Harlem build­ing, designed by Me and Gen­er­al. Inspired by the building’s asym­met­ri­cal win­dows, the pat­tern is offered in stan­dard col­or­ways of Blush”, Dusk”, and Smokey”.

Vistas rhyth­mic, inter­lock­ing cityscape design is informed by the sharply defined out­lines, geo­met­ric motifs, and zig-zag forms of the Art Deco style. It is avail­able in com­bi­na­tions of silver/​steel blue, reflec­tive white/​opaque white and high gloss black/​matte black.