
Press curated collection

Wolf-Gordon Expands Curated Collection

May 19, 2021

| New York, NY — May 19, 2021 | Wolf-Gor­don expands their Curat­ed Col­lec­tion of dig­i­tal­ly print­ed wall­cov­er­ing, pan­el and uphol­stery tex­tiles with the intro­duc­tion of 13 designs from six dif­fer­ent artists. The new pat­terns reflect the diverse back­grounds and influ­ences of the artists: ASVP, Ghis­laine Viñas, Kari Kris­tensen, Ryan Bradley, Audrey Stone, and Stu­dioes­tu­dio, with inspi­ra­tions rang­ing from ani­mé and street art to a bold, archi­tec­tur­al abstract of a rur­al mountainscape. 

The unique advan­tage of our Curat­ed Col­lec­tion not only lies with­in the flex­i­bil­i­ty of dig­i­tal print­ing and the cus­tomiza­tions that are avail­able to inte­ri­or design­ers, but also the greater oppor­tu­ni­ty it pro­vides us to col­lab­o­rate with out­side tal­ent. We are so pleased to have the dis­tinct per­spec­tives of these extra­or­di­nary cre­atives now acces­si­ble through our Curat­ed Col­lec­tion.
- Mary­beth Shaw, Chief Cre­ative Offi­cer, Mar­ket­ing & Design.

Pat­tern Highlights

Spring, Sum­mer, Autumn and Win­ter: Designed by Stu­dioes­tu­dio, the four sea­sons are inspired by the rep­re­sen­ta­tion of sun, rain, wind, and snow in Japan­ese wood­block prints, with the idea to devel­op a sys­tem of pat­terns that could be com­bined to cre­ate mul­ti­ple graph­ic com­po­si­tions. Led by Pablo Alabau and Lau­ra Alan­des, Stu­dioes­tu­dio com­bines a ratio­nal approach and artis­tic vision – through designs of sim­ple lines, col­or and geom­e­try – to cre­ate objects and images that evoke emotion.

Blooma: Inspired by Swedish tex­tile design, Ghis­laine Viñas’ Blooma is a hap­py and con­fi­dent flo­ral pat­tern rep­re­sent­ing nature in a whim­si­cal man­ner. Viñas leads her inter­na­tion­al­ly renowned design firm with a vision­ary approach, in which she is con­stant­ly col­lect­ing inspi­ra­tion from the every­day and everywhere.

Bot­tom Dense Line and Ver­ti­cal Climb: With these designs, Audrey Stone inves­ti­gates the idea of play through the explo­ration of lines in dif­fer­ent man­ners with direc­tion and weight. Stone has worked in a vari­ety of media and is cur­rent­ly focused on work­ing with acrylic and sculp­tures in var­i­ous forms, main­tain­ing a sig­na­ture min­i­mal­ist aesthetic. 

Era­sure and Builds: A unique assem­blage of flu­id pat­terns designed by Ryan Bradley, who strives to play against the basal instincts in his work, decon­struct­ing the fig­ure or pat­tern and the bound­ary between the rec­og­niz­able and abstract. Each sys­tem of these pat­terns is abstract­ed through the inter­lac­ing and weav­ing of sub­tract­ed elements.

Moraine Lake and Chas­ing Shad­ow: Inspired by expe­ri­ences among the lakes, moun­tains, and oth­er nat­ur­al fea­tures, Moraine Lake and Chas­ing Shad­ow are a reflec­tion of Kari Kristensen’s love for the Cana­di­an land­scape. Kristensen’s cur­rent work is focused on redefin­ing linoleum print­mak­ing, a labo­ri­ous process which involves draw­ing, carv­ing, and ink­ing a linoleum matrix to achieve a final print.

Super Mat­ter 24 and Super Mat­ter 6: These works are inter­pre­ta­tions by ASVP of super­heroes and pop iconog­ra­phy reimag­ined as Pop Abstract Expres­sion­ism through dynam­ic shapes with bold col­or and move­ment. ASVP is a Brook­lyn-based artis­tic col­lab­o­ra­tion between Simon Gren­dene and Vic­tor Ansel­mi that has become inter­na­tion­al­ly known for cre­at­ing graph­ic images with nods to adver­tis­ing, as well as pop and com­ic book cul­ture, often includ­ing lay­ers of organ­ic abstraction.

With the addi­tion of these pat­terns, the Curat­ed Col­lec­tion now encom­pass­es more than 40 dig­i­tal wall­cov­er­ing designs by pre­mier artists inter­na­tion­al­ly, allow­ing inte­ri­or design­ers to incor­po­rate dis­tinc­tive imagery from an exclu­sive group of cre­atives with the added flex­i­bil­i­ty of mod­i­fi­ca­tion options includ­ing size, scale, and col­or. Print­ing sub­strates from WG Cus­toms Lab include: type II wall­cov­er­ing of vary­ing tex­tures, PVC-free wall­cov­er­ing, RAM­PART® flex­i­ble wall pro­tec­tion, translu­cent win­dow films and pan­els, and coat­ed upholstery. 

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