
Press wonderwood dark install

Wolf-Gordon Updates Natural Wallcovering Collection: WonderWood® Veneers from Sustainable Tree Farms

New York, NY — Novem­ber 07, 2019 | Wolf-Gor­don releas­es 12 new Won­der­Wood® prod­ucts that cap­ture the warmth and rich­ness of pop­u­lar tree species’ grains in an envi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly alter­na­tive to tra­di­tion­al wood pan­els. They are con­struct­ed from logs of fast-grow­ing trees and pre­fin­ished with a clear mat­te lac­quer in a light­weight, easy-to-install sheet material.

We are excit­ed to add these 12 new Won­der­Wood® veneers, which are high­ly sus­tain­able and offer a full range of warm to cool wood tones, includ­ing grey and black. These are fea­tures that our cus­tomers have specif­i­cal­ly request­ed.”
-Mary­beth Shaw, Chief Cre­ative Offi­cer, Mar­ket­ing & Design

Won­der­Wood wall­cov­er­ings are fab­ri­cat­ed from logs sourced from sus­tain­able tree farms. Wolf-Gordon’s pro­pri­etary process starts with rotary-peeled slices of these logs, which are dyed, stacked, pressed into large blocks, and then sliced at vary­ing angles into veneers, sim­u­lat­ing the opti­mal col­or and grain of com­mon, as well as exot­ic, species.

These wall­cov­er­ings have a con­sis­tent wood grain pat­tern and come in a range of con­tem­po­rary col­ors, such as cool gray tones for urban and indus­tri­al themed inte­ri­ors, and warm nat­ur­al brown wood­grains for a more tra­di­tion­al look. Sev­er­al of the new Won­der­Wood veneers are par­tic­u­lar­ly appro­pri­ate to Mod­ern design. 

Pat­tern Highlights

Barn Fumed Oak: Fur­ni­ture mak­er Gus­tav Stick­ley pop­u­lar­ized the used of this dark oak wood treat­ment. The process, which brings out the depth of the grain, has its ori­gins in the unique atmos­pher­ic char­ac­ter­is­tics found in barns.

Beach Gray Oak: A rus­tic wood-grain pat­tern that, when com­bined with shades of sil­ver, taupe, white, and warm gray — seen in beach peb­bles, sand, and drift­wood — evokes the look of sun bleached, weath­ered woods found in water­front set­tings around the world.

Dark Amer­i­can Wal­nut: High­ly prized for its deep brown col­or, straight grain, and cathe­dral” peaks, this wal­nut species is grown in the mid-Atlantic area of the U.S. and used for fur­ni­ture and pan­el­ing, as well as for the wal­nuts it produces.

Dark Oak Cerused: Cerus­ing” is an arti­san tech­nique that empha­sizes the tex­ture and char­ac­ter of the wood grain. This prod­uct sim­u­lates the look of cerus­ing a dark stained oak to draw out the char­ac­ter of its coarse graining.

Gray Sky­line Oak: The sleek and sophis­ti­cat­ed warm gray com­po­si­tion of this wood has reg­i­ment­ed lines and shapes rem­i­nis­cent of skyscrapers. 

Light Oak Cerused: Oak’s grain and ver­ti­cal­i­ty are empha­sized in this bright and airy repli­ca­tion of cerus­ing, ide­al for tran­si­tion­al and coastal themes.

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