
Aliki release

Think Grids Are Straightforward? This New Textile Collection Will Make You Think Again

June 13, 2019

Ali­ki van der Krui­js devel­oped her new line of fur­ni­ture tex­tiles for Wolf-Gor­don which just launched at Neo­Con, through a series of totemic objects, each loaded with metaphor­ic mean­ings, tex­tures, and pat­terns that recall her impres­sions of a far­away place.

Dur­ing a porce­lain res­i­den­cy in Ari­ta, Japan, the Dutch design­er was intrigued by a grid­ded kimono fab­ric that was super sim­ple, but also very detailed” — a dou­ble neg­a­tive, where col­ors and pat­terns were reversed on either side, she explains. She applied the pat­tern to a porce­lain vase with print­ed acetate, and the result­ing over­laps and breaks in the grid caused by apply­ing this infi­nite 2‑D field onto a 3‑D object cre­at­ed a del­i­cate, feath­ery shad­ing. Explor­ing a porce­lain quar­ry, she col­lect­ed dis­card­ed bits of porce­lain, left behind in the wake of decades of thun­der­ous strip-mine exca­va­tions that lev­eled a moun­tain. She wrapped them in the kimono grid as well, and began call­ing them her Philosopher’s Stones.” Cov­ered in a grace­ful fab­ric pat­tern, they’re an inti­mate, hand-held coun­ter­point to the spec­tac­u­lar vio­lence of quar­ry­ing for resources. She still car­ries one with her. I can­not just make an image,” says Kru­jis. I cre­ate my worlds.”

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