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Venus Williams’ Firm V Starr Honors Women in Debut Product Collaboration With Wolf-Gordon

September 8, 2021

Pub­lished in Inte­ri­or Design
By Georgina McWhirter

Venus Williams is well-known as a ten­nis cham­pi­on. But she’s also acing it off the court. At this year’s Neo­Con, her firm V Starr launch­es its first-ever prod­uct col­lab­o­ra­tion: Muse, an uphol­stery line with Wolf-Gor­don that cel­e­brates the pow­er of women. Rounds of draw­ings went back and forth between Williams and V Starr prin­ci­pal Sonya Haf­fey and Wolf-Gor­don CCO Mary­beth Shaw and senior tex­tile design­er Kathrin Hagge, cul­mi­nat­ing in the three uplift­ing pat­terns, which come in a range of col­or­ways that clev­er­ly incor­po­rate var­i­ous pro­nouns (think Alabas­ther). There’s Ele­na, a mate­lassé of danc­ing fig­ures ren­dered in post-con­sumer poly­ester and nylon; Ora, a bleach-clean­able poly­ester-nylon on which twist­ing, gra­dat­ed helices vibrate with ener­gy; and Fri­da, a poly-acrylic blend where black and white twist­ed yarns resem­ble kinet­ic brush­strokes on a chro­mat­ic ground. I’m so proud of the pat­terns and col­ors,” Williams says. Venus,” Shaw adds, is the ulti­mate exam­ple of female strength.” Game, set, match.

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