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Vintage Kimono Inspires Dutch Artist's VEER Fabrics for Wolf-Gordon

June 4, 2019

Return­ing to the Hague after a ceram­ics res­i­den­cy in Japan, Dutch artist Ali­ki van der Krui­js became fix­at­ed on the grid grac­ing a vin­tage kimono she’d dis­cov­ered at a mar­ket in Ari­ta. She scanned the pat­tern and then trans­ferred it to acetate, which she wrapped around vas­es, the translu­cent sub­strate caus­ing breaks and over­laps in the geometry.

The exper­i­ment estab­lished a con­cep­tu­al frame­work that trig­gered Veer, a col­lec­tion of three uphol­stery pat­terns for Wolf-Gor­don evinc­ing sub­tle manip­u­la­tions of the matrix. Squares rise in relief against the poly­ester-nylon ground of Float, while rec­tan­gles shift off-axis atop poly­ester Turn. The grid evolves into lin­ear­i­ty in Slide, a cot­ton-poly­ester blend.

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