
Wolf-Gordon’s SO GOOD Collection Breaks the Rules

Com­mer­cial wall­cov­er­ings can be com­pli­cat­ed. Often adorned with two or three dif­fer­ent lay­ers of print, col­or, and tex­ture, these accents cer­tain­ly cap­ture the eye — ­but also run the risk of com­pet­ing with oth­er design elements.

As such, the desire for a sim­ple, mod­ern col­lec­tion of wall­cov­er­ings led man­u­fac­tur­er Wolf-Gor­don to col­lab­o­rate with Me and Gen­er­al Design, an inte­ri­or design firm led by Christi­na Casañas-Judd and Gen­er­al Judd, who pos­sess a pas­sion for mix­ing ele­ments, break­ing rules, and defy­ing trends. The result­ing SO GOOD col­lec­tion of dig­i­tal wall­cov­er­ings demon­strates that beau­ty and bold­ness are often found in simplicity.

With their work­ing rela­tion­ship firm­ly in place, Wolf-Gor­don approached Me and Gen­er­al last year to cre­ate sev­er­al more unique, bold designs for the com­pa­ny that were not inspired by a spe­cif­ic project, per se, but what­ev­er inspired the trail­blaz­ing design team. Wolf-Gor­don allowed us to design what we love — bold shapes, move­ment, inspired by all things from archi­tec­ture, music, fash­ion, art, and the very ele­ments that sur­round us as we move through­out our day,” Casañas-Judd says.

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