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Ardley Cove











An Ode to Nature in Composition and Style

Guid­ed by a com­mit­ment to both sus­tain­abil­i­ty and qual­i­ty, Wolf-Gor­don pre­views an all-new type II wall­cov­er­ing cat­e­go­ry with CLAIR, a PVC-free mate­r­i­al that has dura­bil­i­ty and per­for­mance capa­bil­i­ties on par with tra­di­tion­al type II vinyl and is even hard­er to tear. The ini­tial col­lec­tion fea­tures 10 tex­tile-and organ­ic-inspired designs that are derived from the beau­ty of nature; with an eye towards well­ness, each fea­tures sub­tle move­ment and a refined, con­tem­po­rary look.

Made with a pro­pri­etary EVO tech­nol­o­gy, CLAIR is a com­mer­cial grade wall­cov­er­ing that is 20 oz per lin­ear yard. Paired with an Osnaburg back­ing, the heavy-duty Type II olefin com­pos­ite wall­cov­er­ing has high abra­sion as well as impact and scratch resis­tance, allow­ing for the same qual­i­ty of print­ing and emboss­ing while also being bleach-clean­able with a 1:10 dilu­tion. CLAIR is pro­duced from 20% pre-con­sumer recy­cled con­tent, and is ASTM E84 Class A Fire Rat­ed, Cal 01350 Com­pli­ant, made in the USA, and has a Health Prod­uct Dec­la­ra­tion (HPD).

IMG 3410

Pattern Highlights


Ardley: Ardley is a delicate design that mirrors a basket-weave with sharp edges. A subtle tonality plays with value and scale to create an irregular surface, made to complement Ardley Cove’s geometric foreground.

Castine: Refined Castine has an irresistible linen quality, featuring strong vertical slubs juxtaposed with multi-colored horizontal yarns that are highlighted by metallic touches. The interplay of matte and metallic finishes underscores the nuance and depth of the visual linen texture.

Luana: Luana is a rustic, artisanal pattern reminiscent of burlap. Looking to weathered, handcrafted textiles, the deep emboss gives added depth to the collection.

Surin: Luscious silk is captured in Surin, a pattern that features a refined emboss and colorline that uses subtle flecks of color. The darker colorways are given nice shimmer with metallic details, for added movement and luxury.


Ardley Cove: Ardley Cove is a horizontal, fragmented geometric that embodies an active urban feeling. It’s strong diagonals stand out against the refined but natural texture of Ardley.

Denali: Denali is reminiscent of raining running down concrete, with a natural striation that usually occurs in canyon rock or sediment. The pattern’s stripes come forward in a way that gives the illusion of depth, enhanced by a watercolor effect and a mix of a warm and cool palette.

Zura: Zura mimics a suave pinstripe with a graphic quality that creates a modern menswear look. Stripes behind the tight pinstripes make for a 3D appearance as if the bands of color were rising and falling from the background. A horizontal slub makes for a silk-like emboss that enhances the textile effect.

Nature Inspired

Pando: Inspired by an artistic take on wood, Pando looks to bark rather than paneling for it’s compelling texture. At the same time, the design captures the effect of tree bark and branches against the sky, with a sketch-like appearance achieved by a variation of line weight.

Sonora: A raw silk look with a textural feel, Sonora has a unique embossing that creates a heathered edge. This midscale design has a subtle, multi-color dimensionality.

Tiaga: A more literal interpretation of beloved wood grain, Tiaga mirrors a flat-cut panel with a soft, vertical effect.