
Wonderwood light c

Lookbook: Texture & Grain WG Design Studio

Wallcovering Upholstery


Reconstituted Wood Veneer
24 Colorways

London Chic

19 Colorways

Contract Wallcovering

91 Colorways

Coated Upholstery

22 Colorways

October 2019

WonderWood®, London Chic & More

Lead­ing the pack of our Tex­ture & Grain” col­lec­tion are our 12 new Won­der­Wood® wall­cov­er­ings, fur­nish­ing inte­ri­ors with the warmth and rich­ness of tra­di­tion­al wood pan­els in light­weight, easy-to-install mate­r­i­al. Engi­neered from gen­uine wood veneer, these pat­terns intro­duce cerus­ing,” an arti­san tech­nique that empha­sizes the tex­ture and char­ac­ter of the wood grain.

Lookbook ww design image


WonderWood® wallcoverings are an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional wood panels. Constructed from the logs of fast-growing trees, the panels are then prefinished with a clear matte lacquer in a lightweight, easy-to-install sheet material.

Fabricated from logs sourced from sustainable tree farms, Wolf-Gordon’s proprietary process starts with rotary-peeled slices of these logs, which are dyed, stacked, pressed into large blocks, and then sliced at varying angles into veneers, simulating the optimal color and grain of common, as well as exotic, species.

Each piece of veneer is unique and individual, just like the tree it is sourced from.