
Bento2 1440x976

Bento Asian Kitchen

November 30, 2023

At Ben­to in Jack­sonville, Flori­da, the word is water: specif­i­cal­ly, the icon­ic Pop Art col­ors and forms of mid-cen­tu­ry swim­ming pools. Curved walls and ceil­ings fin­ished with mosa­ic tiles and bur­nished ultra­ma­rine plas­ter bring din­ers into the deep end of the imagery. Riley woven uphol­stery in Lapis” was the per­fect choice for the ban­quettes — its bold, graph­ic pat­tern calls to mind a beach ball or 1950s pol­ka dot biki­ni. The col­or­way com­pli­ments the space’s strik­ing blue col­or scheme, and the solu­tion-dyed acrylic fibers mean those splashy col­ors are built to last in this high-traf­fic food establishment.

Jack­sonville, FL | Design: gdpde­sign­build | Pho­to: Cour­tesy of gdpde­sign­build