
Guerilla RF0514792

Guerrilla RF

When STITCH Design Shop was cre­at­ing the Gueril­la RF head­quar­ters in Greens­boro, NC, they sought to reflect the cir­cuit­ry the com­pa­ny man­u­fac­tures with tech-for­ward design as cohe­sive and elec­tric as if the build­ing itself was a machine.

From a cen­tral con­fer­ence room whose walls pulse with Osmo­sis wall­cov­er­ing, one can view amphithe­ater seat­ing per­fect for employ­ee col­lab­o­ra­tion. On these steps Turn, from the Veer col­lec­tion, with its clever manip­u­la­tion of line, per­spec­tive, and den­si­ty, alter­nates with Roy, a bold, dynam­ic mate­lassé fab­ric.

Greens­boro, NC | STITCH Design Shop | Pho­to: Cour­tesy of Chris Coop­er