
Press cork upholstery

Cork Upholstery and Wallcovering

November 8, 2018

We’ve expand­ed our nat­ur­al mate­ri­als col­lec­tion with the intro­duc­tion of eight new Cork prod­ucts that work for uphol­stery or wall­cov­er­ing. The sus­tain­able col­lec­tion uti­lizes all parts of the cork bark, includ­ing resid­ual ele­ments, to form intri­cate designs, while meet­ing the per­for­mance demands of the con­tract market. 

Cork, pri­mar­i­ly sourced in its raw state from Por­tu­gal, is an envi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly option; once the bark of a live cork oak tree is stripped, it will regen­er­ate every 9 – 10 years, allow­ing new bark to grow while main­tain­ing the grove’s eco­log­i­cal processes.

In addi­tion, the wall­cov­er­ings fea­ture a Class A fire rat­ing, mildew and rot resis­tance, and act as a nat­ur­al insu­la­tor with acousti­cal prop­er­ties. The uphol­stery offer­ings meet all ACT per­for­mance stan­dards, rate 100,000 Wyzen­beek dou­ble-rubs, are imper­vi­ous to dirt and liq­uids, and are even hypoallergenic.