
Design story digital rampart

Digital Printing Now Available on RAMPART Substrates

February 5, 2019

Wolf-Gordon’s flex­i­ble alter­na­tive to rigid sheet goods can now be dig­i­tal­ly print­ed with the imagery of your choice. In addi­tion to RAMPART’s grow­ing num­ber of stan­dard pat­terns, col­ors, and tex­tures, WG Cus­toms Lab can repro­duce your pho­tographs, illus­tra­tions, or art­work on two RAM­PART sub­strates. The impact- and abra­sion resis­tant wall pro­tec­tion is avail­able in Tab­by Emboss (CDP 510), a real­is­tic can­vas tex­ture, and the sub­tler Lay Emboss (CDP 511), with the refined look of silk. 

In addi­tion to pro­vid­ing your own art­work, the Wolf-Gor­don Curat­ed Col­lec­tion offers dis­tinc­tive imagery cre­at­ed by a select group of artists that you can mod­i­fy to your requirements.